Friday, June 24, 2016

And so it begins

Before I truly begin to share my life with you, I feel it necessary to explain my Blog Title:  Four Angels and More.   "Four Angels" references my four children--Gary, Jr., Abbie, Sarah, and Christel.  I don't remember when I started referring to them as my "four angels," but over the years as I signed Christmas cards from our family, I would write:  Gary, Linda, and the Four Angels.  Originally, it saved having to write all of their names, but somehow the moniker "Four Angels" stuck, and they truly have become my Four Angels.  You see, four years ago, my husband of 37 years and the daddy of these Four Angels passed away suddenly, and these Four Angels have kept me moving forward, which is where we come to the "More" in my blog title.  The "More" belongs to three--almost four--in-laws--and six--almost eight--grandchildren.  Yes, my life is blessed exponentially through my children, the people they chose to share with our family, and the awesome grandchildren who continue to be born into this family.  People used to call us "The Brady Bunch" because we had four children when most had one or two children, but I have needed each and everyone of these individuals to fill the gap in my heart from the loss of my husband.  They keep me young.  They keep me laughing.  They keep me living.  Hence, the name Four Angels and More!

I am passionate about many things in life, and this blog will focus on my passions.  So, get ready! 

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